So I got the wonderful Bamboo Graphics Tablet over Christmas. Suddenly practising my lines in CS4 is 100x more enjoyable. So I took an old drawing and decided to clean up the lines as a bit of an exercise.
The character is Steph from Freakazoid! My love for that show knows no bounds, only partially because one of the characters shares my name :p
I'm working on some colours for this one, any progress I make will go here.
Cheers folks x
I normally just use Sketchbook Designer or Adobe Illustrator for clean-up line work since they use vector and bezier points, but it does feel a lot more natural using a tablet.
ReplyDeleteThis turned out pretty well.
Everybody's getting tablets, yay! Your lines are pretty smooth for a new toy!
ReplyDeleteThanks both!
ReplyDeleteThe reason my lines came out as smooth as they did was due to a lot of ctrl+alt+z ing on my part haha. I probably spent longer on this than can be justified :p